Et comme il y a maintenant plus de personnes avec un téléphone que d’accès à l’eau potable en Afrique subsaharienne, cela signifiera bientôt que presque tout le monde sur notre planète de plus en plus surpeuplée ne pourra pas échapper à l’inégalité.

« For me, the really concerning aspect of this is that now, more than at any time in our history, our species needs to work together. We face awesome environmental challenges: climate change, food production, overpopulation, the decimation of other species, epidemic disease, acidification of the oceans. »

« To do that, we need to break down, not build up, barriers within and between nations. If we are to stand a chance of doing that, the world’s leaders need to acknowledge that they have failed and are failing the many. With resources increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, we are going to have to learn to share far more than at present. »

This is the most dangerous time for our planet

Stephen Hawking, The Guardian